Project Description

FlashRunner 2.0 – Revolutionary Technology for high production efficiency

Let’s start from the beginning. A microcontroller is a microcircuit that is used to control electronic devices, like a position sensor, on an electronic board. A typical microcontroller has the functions of both a processor and peripherals, and contains RAM (Random Access Memory) and/or ROM (Read Only Memory) like Flash. In short, a microcontroller is a small computer, operating on a single chip that is capable of performing relatively simple operations and it is meant for embedded applications.

Despite the complexity of device, the core principle of operation of the microcontroller is very simple. It executes the commands programmed into its memory and, when the microcontroller reads one of them, it executes it.

Each family of microcontrollers has its own ISA (Instruction Set Architecture). This is the basic set of commands that the microcontroller is able to accept and execute. Combining individual commands one after the other, you can write a unique program, according to which the electronic devices on the board will work exactly as required. 

Industry 4.0

When it comes to manufacturing sector, especially in this period, it can be seen an increase in demand of high quality and efficiency of production processes. Industry 4.0 is changing the way companies manufacture, improve and distribute their products. Digitalization has an impact on production processes, performance and business models. 

Implementation of more efficient and faster production systems as well as innovative technologies allows to reduce production processes, speed up the time-to-market of new products, services and the associated delivery times, reduce production stages, costs and enhance product differentiation capabilities.

So how does FlashRunner 2.0 meet this demand?

FlashRunner 2.0 family, combining high flexibility and universality, offers a complete range of products from 1 to 32 independent and parallel channels. It is a complete and interconnected intelligent system, revolutionary, above all, for its high programming speed.

FlashRunner 2.0 Technology is revolutionary not only for its performance in terms of the programming speed, but also for the technological leap it represents. It introduces the concept of production efficiency that meets the ever-increasing demand for productivity and quality in the world of technologies.

Furthermore, SMH Technologies provides a series of additional tools that allow easy integration with customer devices – tools that are compatible and can be integrated at the hardware & software level on FlashRunner 2.0.

Which are these tools?

It is the Relay Barrier, which provides galvanic isolation between the FlashRunner and the UUTs, available in two different versions: 

– Relay Barrier 8 channels;

– Relay Barrier 16 channels.

As for Demultiplexer, it allows us to double the active channels, available for both 8-channel FlashRunner 2.0 and 16-channel FlashRunner 2.0.

We invite you to visit SMH Technologies’ “PRODUCTS” section for all necessary information and details. Alternatively, drop us an email to the relevant address that you can find in our “CONTACTS” section.