File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 02/04/2013

IQ Programming Station with FlashRunner Technology

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 13/09/2012

Vip Seminar Tekno-Sip – Successful Case of FR Quattro programming 120 paneled boards

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 12/03/2012

Testing House Mexico EZ4000 – Increasing ROI & manufacturing process productivity

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 12/04/2011

Multi-panel programming with FlashRunner Quattro

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 21/02/2011

Testing House Flash Runner Quattro Integration to ICT with Agilent 3070

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 09/12/2010

Multiple programming issue solved by implementing FRQuattro

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Update 25/11/2010

Reduce the cycle time towards Increasing Productivity

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 18/09/2008

Testing House Integrates FlashRunner into ICT Set

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 16/09/2008

FlashRunner’s Competitive Edge

File Size:375.42 Kb

Update 22/05/2008

Intrinsic Quality Integrates FlashRunner to Test Fixture

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