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What is a flash programmer and how does it work?

Microcontrollers are an important part of semiconductor market. 

Every year thousands and thousands of these components are produced thanks to their use in the mass electronics market, where the automotive sector is the main one, followed by other significant market sectors such as the domestic appliances one.

Microcontrollers need to be programmed in a certain way and, most importantly, in a timely manner. This is the reason for flash programming systems existence.

How a flash programmer works?

A flash programmer typically consists of a hardware device or a software application that communicates with the device containing the flash memory chip by using a programming interface such as JTAG, SPI, or I2C. The programmer sends data and commands to the flash memory chip, allowing it to be programmed or reprogrammed with the new data or code.

What is a flash memory? 

Flash memory is a type of non-volatile memory that can retain data even when power is removed. Flash memory is called “non-volatile” because it does not require a continuous power source to retain its data, unlike volatile memory such as dynamic random-access memory (DRAM). This makes flash memory useful for storing data that needs to be retained even when the device is turned off, such as system firmware or user data. 

What is a flash programmer?

A flash programmer is a device or software tool used to program or reprogram flash memory chips, which are a type of non-volatile memory commonly used in microcontrollers, embedded systems, and other electronic devices.

What is the advantage of programming a flash memory?

The programming process typically involves erasing the existing data or code stored in the flash memory, and then writing new data or code to the memory. This process can be performed in several ways, depending on the specific requirements of the device and the flash memory chip being programmed.

As we have explained before, flash memory is a solid type memory, which means that the program we saved on the microcontroller remains even if the power supply is disconnected. 

The program remains saved and once the system is restarted it can run again.

It is also important to remember that flash programmers are systems dedicated to specific families of microcontrollers.

SMH Technologies is a global leader in the In-System Programming solution market, and its ISP range of products can support more than 10,000 devices in the automotive, industrial, appliance, military, medical, and aerospace markets.